Monday, May 14, 2012

QSL Designs

The final courtesy of every QSO is a QSL so they say,in my opinion it's always nice to receive a card from a fellow Ham ,these days though it could be either an actual real card or possibly an electronic one sent via e-mail or one of the QSL services like E-QSL etc.
Cards these days are much easier to fabricate,in days gone by a Ham used to have to design his card and then take it to a Printing Shop and have it manufactured for him.Often this was a very expensive venture especially if you required full color printing.Nowadays though with the advent of the home computer making and printing your own cards could not be easier.No need to make them 1000 cards in advance anymore just produce what you need when you need it.Plus you can change the design foe every card if you so wish,making each one a unique reminder of that particular QSO thus making them more collectable  as well.You are limited only by your imagination so off you go start creating.!!!!!

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